Teutonia Public Oktoberfest & Columbus Day Parade

oktoberfestOktoberfest at the Teutonia Männerchor is open to the public this weekend and the Alpen Schuhplattlers are ready to celebrate! We’re dancing on Friday 10/7/16 and Saturday 10/8/16 at 8:00 PM in the Fest Tent.

Daily admission is just $10.  Be sure to stop by our food booth for a pretzel!





columbusOn Saturday 10/8/16 at 11:00 AM, we’ll be marching in the Columbus Day Parade on Liberty Avenue in Bloomfield (Pittsburgh’s “Little Italy”). We represent Germany in this celebration of Pittsburgh’s ethnic heritage!



Canonsburg Oktoberfest and Hofbrauhaus!

Schuhplattler Dancers
A mysterious stranger challenged our guys
to a plattling contest!

The Schuhplattlers are dancing at the Pennsylvania Bavarian Oktoberfest in Canonsburg on Friday 9/16 at 9PM and Sunday 9/18 at 12:30 PM.  Both shows are at the German Stage on  East Pike Street.

On Saturday 9/17, we’re dancing at the Hofbrauhaus Pittsburgh at 2PM and 3:15 PM.  Hoist a stein of Munich’s best with us!


Get a jump on Oktoberfest with the Alpen Bavarian Fest!

alpen bavarian 2016 v3
Can’t wait for Fall?  The Alpen Bavarian Fest has German dancing, German music, German beer, German food … it’s Oktoberfest in August!

  • Saturday, August 13, 2016
    8:00 pm – Midnight
  • Teutonia Männerchor, 857 Phineas St., Pittsburgh, PA
  • Music by Mädel Jäger
  • Dance performances by the Alpen Schuhplattlers (and friends)
  • 50-50 and gift raffles

Tickets are $12 adults/$6 kids 12 and under. Dinner is available in the Ratskellar for a separate charge.

Interested? Contact Marina at 412-491-0577 or marina@ruggiero.net

500th anniversary of the Reinheitsgebot? The Alpen Schuhplattlers are there!

The Reinheitsgebot (German Beer Purity Law) is 500 years old and the Teutonia Männerchor is celebrating!   And what celebration would be complete without dancing?

Alpen Schuhplattler dance performance:
Saturday, April 23, 2016
6:00 PM
Fest tent, Teutonia Männerchor

While you’re there, grab a pretzel and potato salad at our food booth!

The Teutonia Reinheitsgebot  festival runs from Friday-Sunday 4/22-24.  More Info….


52. Stiftungsfest tickets on sale at Teutonia Männerchor

52 stftungs posterGet your tickets for the Alpen Schuhplattlers’ 52nd anniversary!  They’re available at the Teutonia Männerchor or contact Marina at 412-491-0577/marina@ruggiero.net.

April 16, 2016
8PM – Midnight
Teutonia Männerchor

  • Music by the Youngstown Saxon Brass Band
  • Dance performance by the Alpen Schuhplattlers and friends
  • 50/50 and gift raffles

Tickets: $12 adults/$6 kids 12 and under
Dinner available in the Ratskellar for a separate charge.


Dance, dance, dance at our 52. Stiftungsfest!

52 stftungsfest info Everyone is invited to the Alpen Schuhplattlers’ 52nd anniversary celebration!

April 16, 2016
8PM – Midnight
Teutonia Männerchor

  • Music by the Youngstown Saxon Brass Band
  • Dance performance by the Alpen Schuhplattlers
  • 50/50 and gift raffles

Tickets: $12 adults/$6 kids 12 and under
Dinner available in the Ratskellar for a separate charge.

Contact Marina at 412-491-0577 or marina@ruggiero.net.