Fröhliche Weihnachten!

Kick off the holiday season with the Alpen Schuhplattlers at the Harmony Weihnachtsmarkt, Western Pennsylvania’s finest German Christmas market!  Come watch our dancing and stay for German music, German food, holiday vendors, museum exhibits, and Harmony’s famous glühwein. Performance times are:

  • Saturday November 11 @ 12 pm and 4:30 pm
  • Sunday November 12 @ 12 pm and 3:15 pm

Join us in the fest tent for a traditional German celebration!

Harmony Museum
218 Mercer St.
Harmony, Pa 16037

For more information, visit


Tanzen und springen!

Tanzen und springen!

Schuhplattling is all about tanzen und springen — in English, dancing and leaping!  Our male dancers jump into the air and slap their legs to show their athleticism.  Meanwhile, our female dancers spin until their skirts blossom out into beautiful bells.   Watch this in action at the Alpen Schuhplattlers’ upcoming performances!

  • Our Lady of the Angels Oktoberfest. September 30, 2017 @ 7:00 pm. Teamster Hall (Lawrenceville), 4701 Butler St., Pgh., Pa 15201.
  • Scott Twp. Oktoberfest. October 7, 2017 @ 1:00 pm.  Scott Township Municipal Park, Park Drive, Scott Township, PA 15106
  • Most Holy Name Oktoberfest. October 14, 2017 @ 7:30 pm. Most Holy Name Parish Hall (Troy Hill), Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Teutonia Männerchor Oktoberfests.  September 30, October 7, October 14, and October 21, 2017.  (Members and guests only.)

Oktoberfest season is in full swing!

Ready for fun and Gemütlichkeit?  Here are our upcoming September performances:

  • Friday, September 15, Pennsylvania Bavarian Oktoberfest in Canonsburg, PA @ 9:00 pm
  • Saturday, September 16, Hofbrauhaus Pittsburgh Oktoberfest @ 2:00 pm & 3:15 pm
  • Sunday, September 17, Pennsylvania Bavarian Oktoberfest in Canonsburg, PA @ 12:30 pm
  • Saturday, September 23, Oakdale Borough Oktoberfest @ 6:00 pm
  • Sunday, September 24, Mt. Pleasant Glass Festival @ 1:00 pm

Dancing at the Teutonia Männerchor Public Oktoberfest

Are you ready for Oktoberfest?  We are!

Come to the Teutonia Männerchor’s Public Oktoberfest on September 8th, 9th, and 10th.  The Alpen Schuhplattlers are dancing in the Fest Tent at 8PM on Friday, Sept. 8th and 3PM and 8PM on Saturday, Sept. 9th.

Don’t forget to stop by our food booth for delicious potato pancakes!

Teutonia Männerchor
857 Phineas St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Fall is just around the corner

Summer is still here, but that hasn’t stopped the Alpen Schuhplattlers from getting ready for Oktoberfest season.  We are dancing up a storm this month!  Here’s our public performance schedule:

  • German Alliance Luncheon, August 26, 12:00 pm at Teutonia Männerchor
  • World Kaleidoscope, August 27, 2:00 pm at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – Main (Oakland), 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. We’re performing in the Quiet Reading Room on the first floor.
  • Erie German Heritage Festival, September 2-3 at St. Nick’s Grove, 5131 Old French Rd., Erie, PA 16509. Performance times: Sat. 1:30pm & 4:00pm; Sun. 1:00pm & 3:30pm. This fun festival features German beer, vendors, food, kid’s activities, and music … plus the Schuhplattlers! Make it a day trip and join us under the fest tent.

(Photo courtesy of Stephen Hargreaves)

You’re invited to our 53. Stiftungsfest!

Join the Alpen Schuhplattlers for an evening of dancing and music as we celebrate our 53rd anniversary!  The festivities feature dance performances by the Alpen Schuhplattlers and music by the Youngstown Saxon Brass Band.  Our famous gift and 50/50 raffles will be back!

Saturday, April 22, 2017
8:00 PM – Midnight
Teutonia Männerchor
857 Phineas Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Tickets are just $12 adults/$6 kids 12 and under.  Dinner is available in the Ratskellar for a separate charge.

Interested?  Contact Marina at 412-491-0577 or

Historic Harmony Weihnachtsmarkt!

cropped-maypole1.jpgThe Alpen Schuhplattlers will appear at the Harmony Museum’s annual Weihnachtsmarkt (traditional German Christmas Market) on November 12th and 13th. Watch us perform traditional German folk dances in the fest tent, then stay the rest of the day to listen to German bands, enjoy delicious German food and drink, and do some holiday shopping!


  • Saturday, 11/12: 12:00 – 12:30 pm and 4:30 – 5:00 pm
  • Sunday 11/13: 3:00 – 4:00 pm

Harmony Museum
218 Mercer St.
Harmony, Pa 16037