Reservations Open for 60. Stiftungsfest!

Help the Alpen Schuhplattlers celebrate our 60th anniversary! We are now taking reservations for our 60. Stiftungsfest. It will feature a delicious German buffet, parade of flags, dance music by The Barons, and dance performance by the Alpen Schuhplattlers!

  • Saturday, April 27, 2024 at Pittsburgh’s historic Teutonia Männerchor.
  • Doors open at 5:00 PM
  • Buffet dinner (included with ticket) + cash bar
  • Program starts at 7:30 PM with parade of flags
  • Music by The Barons
  • Dance performance by the Alpen Schuhplattlers
  • Birthday cake!


Adults: $40
Kids 12-3: $20
Kids under 3: Free

For reservations, contact Marina Ruggiero at 412-491-0577 or

60. Stiftungsfest Ticket Reservation Form

60. Stiftungsfest Fahnen/Ehrentanz Form

Advertise in our Festbuch!

All attendees at the Alpen Schuhplattler’s 60. Stiftungsfest will receive a copy of the Festbook. It’s a great opportunity to show your support for our club and promote your business or organization! We also offer sponsorships. See the link below for more information about ad and sponsorship pricing.

60. Stiftungsfest Advertising Form

60. Stiftungsfest

We’re celebrating our 60th anniversary on April 27, 2024.

Our 60. Stiftungsfest will be held at the historic Teutonia Männerchor in Pittsburgh. It includes a buffet dinner, dance performance by the Alpen Schuhplattlers, music by The Barons, and birthday cake! (Details will follow.)

We hope to see you there!

Alpen Schuhplattler logo

Labor Day Kicks Off the 2023 Oktoberfest Season!

The Alpen Schuhplattlers are performing at these festivals:

Sept. 1 – Outdoor Oktoberfest @ Teutonia Mannerchor
Dancing in the Fest Tent on Friday evening, time TBD

Sept. 2 & 3 – Erie German Heritage Festival @ St. Nick’s Grove, Erie PA
Saturday: 1:30 & 4 pm
Sunday: 1 & 3:30 pm
Erie German Heritage Festival

Sept. 16 – VOktoberfest – Pittsburgh Vegan Expo @ Velum Fermentation
Saturday: 7 pm

Alpen Schuhplattler group photo at maibaum
The Alpen Schuhplattlers dedicate the Maibaum at the Teutonia Mannerchor

Fall 2021: We’re back and ready to dance!

The Alpen Schuhplattlers are springing and twirling back into action!  While we had to take a break from performing in 2020 due to the covid pandemic, we’re now ready to put on our dirndls, lederhosen, and dancing shoes!   Here’s our current schedule for Fall, 2021:

  • Erie German Heritage Festival – Sept. 4-5 (Labor Day weekend) @ St. Nick’s Grove, 5131 Old French Road, Erie PA. Performances start on Saturday @ 1:30 pm & 4 pm and Sunday @ 1 pm & 3:30 pm. We’re rejoining our friends at DANK Erie for their German festival!  Get a jump on Oktoberfest with German food, beer, bands and dancing in the fest tent. For details, visit
  • Scott Township Oktoberfest, Oct. 2 @ Scott Township Park. Performance starts at 1 pm.
  • Columbus Day Parade, Oct. 9 @ Liberty Avenue, Bloomfield. Parade starts at 11 am.
  • Trachtenball, Nov. 6 @ Youngstown Saxon Club, 710 S. Meridian Rd., Youngstown OH.
  • Harmony Christmas Market, Nov. 13-14 @ Historic Harmony, 218 Mercer St., Harmony PA.  Performances start on Saturday @ noon & 4:30 pm and Sunday @ noon & 3 pm. Kick off the Christmas season at historic Harmony with vendors, museum tours and demonstrations, German food, and the Alpen Schuhplattlers. (Be sure to visit the glühwein shed for extra Christmas cheer!)  For details, see

All performance dates and times are subject to change.

Alles Gute zum neuen Jahr 2020!

The Alpen Schuhplattlers wish everyone a happy and healthy new year! Here are some of our spring events for 2020:

  • Heimatabend – March 28 @ Teutonia Männerchor @ 7:00 pm. Teutonia’s annual talent show features songs, dances, skits, and performances by the Alpen Schuhplattlers, the Teutonia Singers, and members of the Teutonia community. What will the Schuhplattlers do this year? Come to Heimatabend and find out!
  • 56. Stiftungsfest – April 18 @ Teutonia Männerchor @ 8:00 pm. Celebrate the 56th anniversary of the Alpen Schuhplattlers with an evening of music and dancing. All are invited!

Watch this page for details!

55. Stiftungsfest: Get your Bavarian on!

The Alpen Schuhplattlers are celebrating their 55th anniversary with dancing and gemütlichkeit! Enjoy a dance performance by the Alpen Schuhplattlers and dance to the music of the Youngstown Saxon Brass Band.!

Tickets are $12 adults / $6 kids 12 and under
Contact Marina at 412-491-0577 /

Saturday, April 27th @ 8 pm
Teutonia Männerchor

857 Phineas Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15212